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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

4 Fire Preparation Tips for Businesses

7/5/2020 (Permalink)

Contact 9-1-1 to alert emergency services when you have a fire

Incorporate This Four Tips Into Your Disaster Recovery Plan

Without proper fire preparation, a fire at your business can easily lead to widespread panic that could result in additional property damage and a higher risk for your employees. Consider incorporating these four tips into your disaster recovery plan.

1. Create a Fire Evacuation Plan
One of the most important components of your disaster preparation plan is making sure your employees know how to safely evacuate during a fire. Your plan should cover as many likely scenarios as you can think of as well as guidelines on what to do if an unexpected situation occurs. Once you have drafted your plan, make sure you practice executing it.

2. Know Your Risks
Before you can begin mitigating your fire risks, you must first know what they are. The most commonly encountered business fires are those started by cooking equipment, intentional acts, and electrical failures. Useful handbooks are available from the National Fire Protection Association. If the service is available in Mesa, AZ, arranging for the local Fire Marshal to inspect your property and identify hazards can be a good fire preparation step.

3. Ensure You Are Following Fire Safety Guidelines
Fire damage often results from preventable fires. Be sure you are observing safety guidelines, such as not plugging too many electronics into the same outlet, properly using extension cords, and performing regular inspections.

4. Keep an Updated List of Emergency Contacts
In most cases, you will want to contact 9-1-1 to alert emergency services when you have a fire. However, it is a good idea to maintain a list of people, such as suppliers, customers, and fire restoration services, you may need to contact after a fire. Store this information off-site, so that you can still access it if you are unable to enter your business.
Proper fire preparation is key to lowering your business' fire risk. These four tips can help you draft your disaster recovery plan.

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