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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

The 4 Key Steps for Operating a Fire Extinguisher

5/24/2021 (Permalink)

If you follow the PASS technique, you will be able to use most extinguishers like a pro.

Follow These Four Steps

The right tool at the right time can be a lifesaver, but only if you know how to operate it. If a fire breaks out in your home in Red Mountain Ranch, AZ, a fire extinguisher could minimize the property damage. It is not a particularly hard item to use effectively; however, it can be helpful to become familiar with the device. If you follow the PASS technique, you will be able to use most extinguishers like a pro. Follow these four steps:

Pull. A pin is normally located on the top of the device. Just pull the pin out to make the unit operational.
Aim. A hose usually protrudes from the fire extinguisher. Take the hose and aim the end of it with a nozzle at the fire. Aim low at the base of the fire for best results.
Squeeze. Squeeze the handle to release the fire fighting agent. This should result in a forceful flow of foam or some other material out of the hose.
Sweep. Move the hose and nozzle along the base of the fire in a controlled sweeping motion. Do this until the fire is completely out or the device runs out of fluid. Keep a close watch on the extinguished fire for a few hours to make sure it does not revive.

In the case of a kitchen fire, you will need to be careful of what type of fire extinguisher or method you use. A grease or oil fire should be controlled by smothering it with a heavy metal pot lid or by pouring large quantities of baking soda on the fire.
To minimize fire damage, it's a good idea to call in a professional fire mitigation company. Trained technicians can arrive Faster to Any Size Disaster and begin the fire restoration process. They will treat water damage as well as work on removing the impacts of soot and smoke with a professional fire cleanup.

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