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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Top 6 Places Mold May Be Hiding in Your Home

3/29/2018 (Permalink)

While many types of mold are harmless, some varieties can ruin the comfort and value of your home in Mesa, AZ. Unfortunately, not all mold is easy to see. On the contrary, mold growth can occur in places you may not expect it. Here are the top six places mold could be hiding in your home.

1. Under the Sink

To grow, mold spores need moisture and a food source. Because the areas under your kitchen and bathroom sinks can be damp, mold may easily grow. Meanwhile, since these areas are dark, you may not notice growth until you have a large-scale infiltration.

2. Behind the Washer and Dryer

Since your washer and dryer increase humidity in the laundry room, mold often has the right conditions to grow and spread. If you haven’t looked behind your appliances recently, you may have undiscovered mold growing in your home.

3. Beneath Laminate Flooring

Mold doesn’t only grow on visible surfaces. Rather, mold growth can occur beneath flooring. If you notice mold growing in places you can see, you should consider contracting for a professional inspection of places you can’t.

4. Inside Walls

If moisture is present, mold only needs a food source to grow. The paper on the outside of drywall is often irresistible to mold. If you notice mold on wood or see moldy drywall, you should probably look inside your walls to see if mold has taken hold there as well.

5. Below Grout

Mold can grow beneath tiles and below grout. If you see discoloration or smell foul odors in tiled areas inside your home, mold may be present.

6. In Air Ducts

Since mold spores are microscopic, they can easily float on the air throughout your home. Therefore, if you notice mold growing anywhere in your house, be sure you inspect your air ducts and vents for contamination.

You don’t have to be afraid of mold in Mesa, AZ. You should, however, understand that mold grows in both visible and hidden places. With a comprehensive inspection, you can likely identify mold growth and work toward managing it.

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