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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Using an Ozone Machine To Counteract Cigarette Odor

2/5/2019 (Permalink)

An ozone generator is used for home deodorization

Using an Ozone Machine To Counteract Cigarette Odor

Smoking cigarettes indoors can cause a lot of problems. Not only can it be a fire hazard, it can also envelop your home in a stale odor that is hard to remedy. Getting rid of the smell is not completely impossible, though. A professional smoke remediation company may use an ozone machine for home deodorization. The molecules attach to smoke particles and neutralize them. Within a few steps, the odor can be gone.

1. Machine Placement

An ozone generator is placed in the area that needs remediation. If the whole house is plagued by the smell, it may be placed in a central location. Because ozone is heavier that regular air, technicians in Desert Uplands, AZ, will likely place the machine on the second story of a two-story home. Once the machine is placed, it can be started.

2. Air Flow Assistance

If only one room needs home deodorization, the room can be sealed so that the ozone stays in the affected area. If the whole house needs treatment, however, air flow must be created so the ozone can infiltrate your entire home. Specialists may use fans, your central air system ducts or a combination of the two to make sure the ozone reaches all the places it needs to reach.

3. Treatment Completion

The treatment for cigarette smoke in your home may take anywhere from a few hours to a few days, depending on the size of the affected space. Once it is complete, the machine is turned off, and the ozone is allowed to dissipate, which can take several hours. Once that happens, you and your family can return to your home.

The process of home deodorization is pretty straightforward but usually requires professional help. Enlisting certified experts to take care of your cigarette odor issues can improve the smell of your home and help everyone who enters breathe cleaner, fresher air.

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