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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

3 Reasons To Hire Certified Environmental Hygienists for Testing

3/5/2019 (Permalink)

Black mold? You must have it tested by a professional.

3 Reasons To Hire Certified Environmental Hygienists for Testing

When you need remediation in Mesa, AZ, it's important to hire the right people for the job. The mold cleaning process involves more than just removing mold growth from your home. Before and after the job is done, you need someone to test to determine the extent of the problem and whether the problem has been resolved after cleanup is done. A certified environmental hygienist is the person for the job. Here are three reasons to expect that the person testing for mold in your home meets the standards of certification.

1. Education

Most certified hygienists have studied their field extensively. Typically, they have completed a bachelor's degree in one of the following sciences:

  • Chemistry
  • Engineering
  • Physics
  • Biology

In addition to their formal education from an accredited college or university, certified mold remediation technicians take courses and pursue continuing education in subjects that are specifically related to their career path. This is how they stay current on the newest technology and techniques in the industry.

2. Experience

The best way to learn proper mold cleaning is with experience. Certification implies that the assessment in your home is not the first time the technicians have ever encountered a mold problem. Mentorships and professional networking are a vital part of learning the trade. Under the direct tutelage of a seasoned expert, even newly certified hygienists gain the experience necessary to test effectively.

3. Examination

After the coursework for the initial certification is complete and the minimum experience requirement has been met, technicians must pass a certification exam before they are considered an expert in testing for mold damage. The exam covers a broad scope of the industrial hygiene industry's latest practices. You can hire a certified environmental hygienist with the peace of mind that they have been trained, tested and found competent.

To determine if you need mold cleaning in your home, you must have it tested by a professional. Certified environmental hygienists have passed the test proving that they have the necessary education and experience to assess the problem accurately.

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