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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Methods of Eliminating Tough Home Odors

7/19/2019 (Permalink)

Vinegar is also great for removing tough odors

Battling a lingering odor in your home in Mesa, AZ can be a challenge. Food, cigarettes, mold and pets are just a few sources of foul odors. You certainly don’t want to just cover one smell with another. Neutralizing the odor is the only way of getting rid of it completely. Fortunately, home deodorization can be fairly easy to accomplish.

Here Are Four Ways of Eliminating Tough Odors:

1. White Vinegar

Simmer white vinegar on the stove to remove odors from the kitchen, or even the whole house. Don’t worry, the vinegar smell will go away soon. You can also put a bowl of vinegar in individual rooms to absorb odors. Replace the vinegar every 24 hours until the odor is gone. Mix vinegar with water (two cups vinegar to one-gallon water) to clean carpet and fabrics such as sofa and curtains, as well as hard surfaces such as furniture and walls. Vinegar is also great for removing tough odors such as cigarette smoke from clothing; add half a cup to your laundry.

2. Baking Soda

Like vinegar, baking soda will absorb odors if placed in bowls throughout the house. For fabrics and carpet, sprinkle it all over and let it sit for an hour, then vacuum. For better effectiveness, rub into the surface.

3. Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is another inexpensive home deodorization method. It’s chemically treated to hold more oxygen than regular charcoal, making stubborn odors easier to absorb. Hanging granule-filled sachets around the house works well.

4. Ozone Generator

This is the most costly and labor-intensive method, so it should be a last resort. But if you have a really stubborn odor like stale cigarette smoke, it’s worth the extra effort and expense. It can take over 24 hours to deodorize an entire house, but it’s effective.
If the odor you’re fighting hangs on for more than a couple of days, it may be time to hire odor removal and deodorization professionals. They provide the most thorough home deodorization available.

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