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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

How To Limit Water Losses During Construction

1/7/2021 (Permalink)

If you ignore a small leak, it will just cause additional damage

As a construction business owner in Sunland Villages, AZ, you know the importance of preventing water losses. After all, just one broken pipe can cause tons of damage and delay the building process.
You may think that your insurance will cover water pipe repair services. Even if this is the case, the contractor will still absorb some of the loss. You thus need to emphasize water damage mitigation at the job site.

Causes of Construction Water Losses

Even a fully constructed building can sustain water damage. A partly-built property, however, is even more prone to water problems. After all, stormwater can easily enter the premises through an unsecured roof, window, or door. Below are some other common causes of water losses during the construction process.

  • Drainage system failure
  • Improper installation of water-sensitive equipment
  • Flooded excavations
  • Inadequate retention ponds
  • Building envelope deficiencies

Prevention of Construction Water Losses
Planning in advance and performing plenty of tests should limit the damage during your build. By following a few simple steps before, during and after construction, you can limit your need for expensive water pipe repair.
In the pre-construction phase, create a quality control program to implement once the build starts. Have your plans peer-reviewed before the execution begins. As you create your schedule, make sure the piping systems are being installed and tested early on in the process. This way, if there are any leaks or floods, they will not cause extensive harm
Assign several members of your team to focus solely on tracking and repairing any water issues that occur during construction. If you ignore a small leak, it will just cause additional damage. You should thus conduct regular water tests and fix any troubles right away. Similarly, once the project reaches its close period, all water problems should be corrected within 48 hours.
Water pipe repair can cost you money and delay the opening of your property. However, you can mitigate the water damage by being diligent throughout the construction process.

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